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Thomas Pavy

Thomas Pavy is a Marine Ecology Engineer and an ECCR Trimix Hypoxic Diver. He participated in expeditions in the Philippines, French Polynesia, Gabon, and other places. Since 2018, he has been a member of Gombessa Expeditions. Over the least 10 years he has gained the capacity to create, and apply research in the mesophotic area (60-150m).
Using his skills and knowledge, he developed the STEED methodology in 2022. He is confident that this instrument could help in improving our knowledge and comprehension of mesophotic ecosystems by standardizing data collecting at great depths.

Dive Conference Topic: Ecology in the Mesophotic


Image /Film Festival

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Heart Of Asia Diving:
Collaboration For
The Ocean Community
February 23-25, 2024 | 11AM-8PM
Hall A, World Trade Center, Manila, Philippines