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Margaux Le Brun

Born in Paris (France), Margaux has traveled the world since childhood, from France to Canada, Reunion Island to Indonesia, making her a citizen of the world!

Underwater cameraman, scuba diving instructor with a degree in marine biology and commercial diving, Margaux has built up her experience of diving with sharks all over the world! Today, she is a naturalist guide, a Shark Education seminarist specializing in shark-human interactions and leads groups of scuba divers on shark encounters in a dozen different destinations.

She has logged over a thousand dives with sharks, including several hundred hours with apex predators such as tiger and bull sharks, making her one of the most experienced female divers of her generation.

With Shark Education, she fights to promote quality shark ecotourism by involving local communities.

Dive Conference Topic: Shark’s Conservation: Shark-Hunman Interactions


Bluegreen 360

DOT Logos
Heart Of Asia Diving:
Collaboration For
The Ocean Community
February 23-25, 2024 | 11AM-8PM
Hall A, World Trade Center, Manila, Philippines